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Pauline Hoffmann
1 day ago5 min read
I really wanted it to be true...
My niece and I watch the Buffalo Bills games together. She lives in Utah, I, south of Buffalo. We text each other during the games. Often...

Pauline Hoffmann
Nov 27, 20247 min read
Ho, Ho, Holiday Hell
[Please note: This article appeared in this newsletter last year on November 22. I have made minor changes to it. The advice and, sadly,...

Pauline Hoffmann
Oct 12, 20247 min read
Have you heard the one about...
Perhaps you've noticed that I haven't written in a while. It's not because there isn't disinformation to write about. It's because there...

Pauline Hoffmann
Jul 7, 20246 min read
How do I know if the information AI provides is the truth?
Will you indulge me for a quick history lesson? (The following is excerpted from my book and is lightly edited.) I won't go all the way...

Pauline Hoffmann
Jun 22, 20245 min read
Why do we fear/ignore/hate the "other?"
I was reminded this weekend of the genocide in Rwanda 30 years ago this summer. You might ask yourself, what on Earth reminded you of...

Pauline Hoffmann
May 1, 20244 min read
My Book Birthday (hangover)
I am an infodemic evangelist! I am an infodemiologist! I am an author! I know that this newsletter is supposed to be a weekly newsletter...

Pauline Hoffmann
Mar 12, 20245 min read
Are pit bulls witch hunt victims?
I need to take a different turn today. I recognize that LinkedIn is a professional social media platform. I also recognize that I have...

Pauline Hoffmann
Feb 17, 20241 min read
May I Ask a Favor?
First of all, I want to express my gratitude to all of you, my newsletter subscribers. I enjoy writing this newsletter and getting...

Pauline Hoffmann
Feb 15, 20244 min read
Can't I Just Scroll Past?
I don't think students believe me when I tell them that I learn from them. Isn't that how education should work? I teach and share...

Pauline Hoffmann
Jan 11, 20245 min read
Communication, Cultivation, Conciliation
I want to start this week's newsletter by sharing a story. About ten years ago or so I would take regular walks with a colleague of mine....

Pauline Hoffmann
Nov 22, 20236 min read
Holiday Mayhem
How are you going to get through the holidays without the stress caused by some family blow-up? Can you manage without wanting to disown...

Pauline Hoffmann
Oct 19, 20239 min read
Rush to Judgment
I've started this particular newsletter issue about 100 times (+ or -). I've struggled with exactly how I want to write what I want to...

Pauline Hoffmann
Oct 4, 20236 min read
Banned Book Week and Censorship
Censorship is bad. Did I really need to type that? October 1-7, 2023 is National Banned Books Week and this year's theme is Let Freedom...

Pauline Hoffmann
Jun 20, 20234 min read
It's Pride Month. Let's Unpack the Truth.
It's June, which is National Pride Month. A month in which we celebrate our similarities rather than our differences and encourage unity...

Pauline Hoffmann
May 11, 20233 min read
National Nurses' Week: You Make a Difference
(This editorial appeared in the Olean Times Herald.) Each May is National Nurses’ Month — a month-long celebration and commemoration of...

Pauline Hoffmann
Apr 25, 20235 min read
The other side...
Last week I wrote about Fox News cherry picking its data to use for its full page ad in the New York Times. I noted that Fox is hardly...

Pauline Hoffmann
Apr 17, 20236 min read
Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics
I struggled with whether to jump into this fray but I feel I must. I don't generally note my politics, however, you can probably guess...

Pauline Hoffmann
Apr 3, 20233 min read
Public Health Week 'centers and celebrates cultures in public health'
(The following appeared as an editorial in the Olean Times Herald.) The American Public Health Association celebrates the successes of...

Pauline Hoffmann
Feb 28, 20235 min read
I don't know how to respond to this...
I was updating my website over the weekend and posting my newsletter posts in the blog section. My last "weekly" newsletter was the end...

Pauline Hoffmann
Jan 24, 20235 min read
Education is a fundamental human right.
So said U.N. Secretary General, António Guterres. This issue of WTF? (What the Facts?) is being written and posted on International Day...
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