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Yoga (or Yog-AAHHH)

Pauline Hoffmann

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

Wellness and yoga go hand in hand.

We continue our two-part series on wellness and yoga during National Wellness Month (August). Christine Murphy returns to talk about her experiences with yoga and how it may help you.

Some data to get us is a podcast about data, after all. Finances Online details the yoga industry and global economics of it. There are many detailed graphics as well as statistical information. What I like about this site is that it acts as a clearinghouse of sorts. It references and provides information gotten from other sources so that you may explore in more detail, should you want to. I will note some key statistics and graphics below (taken from Finances Online).

As part of our discussion, we talked about several different types of yoga. Each of us does something a bit different. We didn't go into detail about each type, but I did say that I would provide a link/graphic to the different types so that you may try one that suits you. To be clear, we all said that while we enjoy yoga, it may not be for everyone. I recommend finding a studio that specializes in the type of yoga you are interested in. Also, if you try one type and don't like it, don't give up. Try another. I tried hatha yoga and did not like it at all. Then I found Ashtanga and never looked back. offers a description of each type along with who might like which one. I thought it was a good resource.

The following graphic is from the blog Get Fit So. Yoga Medicine notes 13 types; Get Fit So references ten. There is overlap and there are differences. You decide!

This week's Arbitrary Random Stat (ARS) does deal with yoga. What are some quirky and cool yoga trends? Well, I listed a couple of them I found at Which would you try? I also referenced goat yoga (Goga?) and dog yoga (Doga) on the podcast. I would not try either, though, I do have to admit that my dogs love to bother me in savasana.

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