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Pauline Hoffmann

My New Venture: Data Doyenne

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

If the pandemic has taught me anything it's that there is an incredible assault on science. If the past several years have taught me anything it's that people have no idea what is fact and what is opinion.

The idea for Data Doyenne came to me as a result. To be clear, I do not consider myself an expert but I do know how to find information, how to interpret and analyze information, and how to use it - for good and evil but I don't practice black magic. I also know when I've made a mistake and have no problem owning and admitting it. I've done my share of course corrections.

I also recognize that people are listening to podcasts in great numbers. People also want online classes to enhance their skills and knowledge. Here is where I come in.....

The Data Doyenne podcast will debut on April 1 (really....and I will talk about April Fool's Day on the premier episode). I am leading up to the launch of the podcast with a month of social media posts. March is the perfect month to do that since I am incredibly passionate about women's issues. March is Women's History Month.

Perhaps you have seen my posts about our March Into Women's History bracket? We've taken the NCAA basketball bracket, removed all the basketball and added women. This year's theme is women's suffrage and women heads-of-state worldwide. As of this blog post, we have narrowed the field of 64 to the Elite 8. To see the remarkable women in our bracket and to vote, visit BonaBrave. The winner will be announced on Friday, March 19. The coincide with the ratification of the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution giving women the right to vote.

You may also have seen me reference Data Doyenne on my social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn). You may view more information about Data Doyenne at its website here. Also, follow Data Doyenne on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

The podcast is expected to air weekly on Thursdays. More information about where to find the podcast will appear here. The first podcast will be an introduction to me and to the wonderful world of data in all its forms. Any information discussed on the podcast will appear on the website. I also plan to share videos, outtakes and other materials. keep your eyes open!

On May 1, I plan to debut online classes that will help you learn more about how you may become your own Data Doyenne. You will learn the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of data. I'll also toss in my class on dealing with difficult people so you know how to sell what you've learned - and also how to deal with people who are difficult including dealing with different generations.

You might be thinking. "Wow, Pauline, a podcast and classes about data? That sounds like so much fun!" And I know you would be lying. Not one person has ever said that. Ever.

That said, if anyone can make data fun and entertaining, it's me. Give it a try, Mikey, you might like it.

I hope you take a look at my websites and follow me on social media. I also hope you give the podcast a chance and sign up for classes!

I welcome your feedback.

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